Monday, September 13, 2010

What do you do?

Despite the beautiful sunshine today I can't help but feel quite sad.

Lucy is doing a lot better - her fevers have subsided and the sore foot, though still a little swollen, is much improved. This is all great news, but yet I find myself being forced once again to confront the reality of where we are, and it's not nice.

I found out last night that two children whose parents I have met whilst being in hospital have died recently. Whilst we don't hold fears for Lucy's life at present - she is doing as well as can be hoped or expected, and the doctors are aiming for complete recovery, it is an awful reminder of the reality of life and death here in the oncology ward and the precariousness of life.

I feel so sad for those families, and have spent a lot of time today just wondering what you do if your child dies. What do you do when you go home? What do you do after the funeral? Really, what do you do?

I may never see those parents again, but I so pray that they would know God's kindness even in their grief, that they would know of the hope that he freely offers to us all, of his grace and mercy demonstrated in the cross of Jesus and the victory over death he has won in Jesus' resurrection.

I feel such a burden for all the families in here, and yet so inadequate and at a loss to know how to care for them. But I can pray, and I can talk, and as God gives me opportunity and energy hopefully I can share our hope and faith with others. Please pray with me for all the families here - for healing, for hope and for peace with God. And pray for the wonderful chaplains here at the hospital - they have a couple dedicated to the oncology ward, funded through Anglicare. Such a wonderful and essential ministry, yet very stressful and hard for those involved, so please pray God would sustain them in their work and faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you know where you at then, just believe in God and see what he has done to those people in need.

It is great to hear that you believe in God and Jesus Christ and reading this is excellent.

Lisa McKerlie